AI in Healthcare

AI can not replace doctors however it can certainly help doctors and other healthcare professionals in many ways..

Differential Diagnosis

What doctors are saying..

Megha Nayak

I was lucky enough to use this AI tool during testing phase. Its amazing. Helped me a lot to think about possibilities of various differential diagnosis based on my input

Harold Morrison

One of my friend asked me to check this medical AI app. I was super amazed by using it once. How in this world can an AI know about these medical conditions

Debra Smith

I used another version of this tool to get information about various medicines and their adverse reactions.It blown away my mind when I used it. Hopefully it will come back soon on this app.

Kyle Parson

I use this app to help while ordering my investigations so that I dont forget. It is still in early phase but this app has potential to help doctors, interns and medical professionals in their day to day work.

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