Health Education


Download the AI Doctor App from Google Playstore.. 


Examples of various tasks

  • What information should a newly diagnosed hypertensive patient be educated about?
  • What lifestyle modifications are important for managing hypertension?
  • Can you provide guidance on dietary changes that can help lower blood pressure?
  • Are there any specific exercises or physical activities that are beneficial for hypertensive patients?
  • How often should blood pressure be monitored, and what are the target values?
  • Are there any medications or treatment options that should be discussed with the patient?
  • Can you provide a sample diet plan for a 42-year-old female vegetarian with diabetes?
  • What are some recommended food choices and portion sizes for this patient?
  • Are there any specific nutrients or food groups that should be emphasized or limited in this diet plan?
  • How can the patient incorporate protein sources into their vegetarian diet?
  • Can you suggest some vegetarian meal ideas or recipes that align with the dietary requirements for diabetes management?
  • Sky is the limit… Ask me anything..

12 thoughts on “Health Education”

  1. Kelia Moses Conteh

    This is an amazing application
    You guys did Well to Create such tool that is use full in Countries that have poor health facilities

  2. An excellent aplication. Really useful. Responding very fast. The drug information was accurate and detailed. I was very much satisfied ☺️☺️ with AI Doctor app. With regards and thanks to the developer.
    Venkateswara Rao.
    Hyderabad city. INDIA. A small doubt why this app is having very low downloads.
    Please explain.🙏🙏👏👏💐💝

  3. I am very proud of the developer.
    Bcz the developer was a Indian.
    Hats off to you sir. Wishing you a great future in AI powerd apps development particularly in the context of Indian conditions.
    With regards and thanks.
    Venkateswara Rao.
    Hyderabad city.

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